Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Answers to Questionare

These are the answers for the questionnaire for my new blog for CSCE 624 Sketch Recognition.
  1. Photo of yourself.
    1. It's up.
  2. E-mail address (e.g., yourname at domain.com).
    1. grovemaster@hotmail.com
  3. Graduate standing (e.g., 3rd year Phd) (e.g., 3rd Year PhD, 2nd Year Masters, 1st Year PhD w/ Masters).
    1. 2nd semester Masters
  4. Why are you taking this class?
    1. Interesting subject; it was on my to-do list
  5. What experience do you bring to this class?
    1. Enthusiasm and a willingness to learn
  6. What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?
    1. Manager-level position or higher at a private company or government.
  7. What do you think will be the next biggest technological advancement in computer science?
    1. "Free" movement/allocation of physical memory (no more pulling from hard disk)
  8. What was your favorite course when you were an undergraduate (computer science or otherwise)?
    1. I don't pick favorites, but I did enjoy Prof. Leiss's Algorithms class.  I learned a lot and did some hands-on programming.  I enjoyed the class, even though Prof. Leiss has a "small" streak of "strictness".
  9. What is your favorite movie and why?
    1. I don't pick favorites, but all my top shows are animated.  2 of my favorite American films are "Balto" (the first one) and  "Cats Don't Dance".  Both movies were family-oriented and really uplifting.
  10. If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet and why?
    1. My grandpa on my Dad's side.  He died when I was too young to really remember him.
  11. Give some interesting fact about yourself.
    1. I'm fond of anime and video games and am actively pursuing a closer relationship with Christ this semester.